Wednesday 26 June 2013

Krench??? Forean???

Is it just me or do other people find the Korean and French accents slightly similar?
I have regular conversations with myself. No. I am not crazy. I find it very helpful to make up situations and then practice speaking out loud in whatever target language.
The other day I was having one of these conversations and decided to do a sudden switch from Korean to French. It hit me right then and there. The two are quite similar. I did not really need to change to general positioning of my mouth and it sounded similar.
Before when I was learning Spanish and I tried to switch from French to Spanish, the Spanish came out sounding French and then I would have to pause and get into the Spanish mode.
I wonder if the reason I like Korean is because of this. Hmmmm...

Monday 3 June 2013

Pauline's Bajan Adventures

A few months ago my friend got the opportunity to meet a Japanese woman. I decided to go along with her and meet the woman as well. During our little chat she told us that she had a blog called Bajapanese where she posts all about her experiences in Barbados.
A few days ago that blog came across my mind and so I visited the page. There I saw a post about a woman named Pauline who is from France who published a book about her life in Barbados. Pauline came to Barbados to learn English in the Barbados Community College's ESL program. The book is a compilation of articles written in the Advocate newspaper over a one-year period. I remembered seeing some of the articles and they were quite interesting. There was going to be a book launch at Good Life restaurant and so I decided to go.

I was the first guest to arrive. I was by myself and I felt so weird and I believe I looked just as weird as I felt. After a while people finally started coming. People came and sat at the table I was at. There were people speaking French around me. It was almost as if I was in France. hehehe

The evening officially began and Pauline said a little about herself and read a few stories from her book.It always makes me laugh when I hear foreigners talk about what they find strange about Bajan (Barbadian) culture.

Pauline Rouiller-Luinati sharing her stories

At intermission Pauline signed my book. She asked me my name and I spelled it "C-H-E-R-Y-S-E". She said " Oh. Chereez." Lol! The French and their z.

How cute

There was entertainment after by Thobekile Bridget Mbanda from South Africa. She sang two songs with a mix of Zulu and English. They were quite nice.

South Africa, France, Japan. People from all these places in little Barbados. I always wonder how these people find out about Barbados. The world is such a huge place and they come to this dot on the map. I find it so amazing.
The evening at Good Life was a pleasant one. It was good to get out the house.

The book itself, "Pauline's Bajan Adventures", is quite funny. There are many stories about a whole bunch of things from church to sailing to clubs to ZR vans. The pictures are colourful and it is easy reading.
Want to get a copy? 

You can get it from Book Source in Barbados or from Amazon. As Pauline said, it will surely put a large smile on your face.