Wednesday 26 June 2013

Krench??? Forean???

Is it just me or do other people find the Korean and French accents slightly similar?
I have regular conversations with myself. No. I am not crazy. I find it very helpful to make up situations and then practice speaking out loud in whatever target language.
The other day I was having one of these conversations and decided to do a sudden switch from Korean to French. It hit me right then and there. The two are quite similar. I did not really need to change to general positioning of my mouth and it sounded similar.
Before when I was learning Spanish and I tried to switch from French to Spanish, the Spanish came out sounding French and then I would have to pause and get into the Spanish mode.
I wonder if the reason I like Korean is because of this. Hmmmm...

1 comment:

  1. Krench??? Forean???
    Is it just me or do other people find the Korean and French accents slightly similar?

    한국어와 프랑스어의 발음이 조금 비슷하다는 것을 나만 아나, 아니면 다른 사람도 ?
    I have regular conversations with myself.
    난 내 자신과 정기적으로 대화를 한다.
    No. I am not crazy.
    난 미치지 않았다.
    I find it very helpful to make up situations and then practice speaking out loud in whatever target language.
    나는 어떤 언어를 공부하든지 상황을 만들어 큰 소리로 연습하는 것이 매우 도움이 되는 것을 알았다.
    The other day I was having one of these conversations and decided to do a sudden switch from Korean to French.
    언젠가 난 갑자기 어떤 대화 중의 하나를 한국어에서 프랑스어로 바꾸어 보기로 했다.
    It hit me right then and there.
    그것은 바로 나를 깨닫게 했다.
    The two are quite similar.
    두 문장이 정말 비슷했다.
    I did not really need to change to general positioning of my mouth and it sounded similar.
    내 입의 일반적인 위치를 바꿀 필요 없이 그 소리는 비슷했다.
    Before when I was learning Spanish and I tried to switch from French to Spanish, the Spanish came out sounding French and then I would have to pause and get into the Spanish mode.
    전에 내가 스페인어를 공부할 때 난 프랑스어를 스페인어로 바꾸어 보았는데 스페인어에서 프랑스어 소리가 나서 다시 스페인어 모드로 돌아가려고 잠깐 쉬어야 했다.
    I wonder if the reason I like Korean is because of this. Hmmmm...
    이것 때문에 내가 한국어를 좋아하는 것일까.......
