I looked around the internet and I saw a few posts about Korean handwriting, but nothing really particularly focusing on cursive. My great idea therefore was to base my new handwriting on a font. I just did a random Google search and found this font which I find quite pretty and decided that I would use it. In the process of changing my writing, this font would also help me to understand other Hangul fonts as well, since some of the characters were quite different.
Unfortunately, after testing it out, I realized that there is a lot of variation. For example, depending on the vowel following the consonant, the consonant was written differently. My own handwriting definitely would be inspired by and not an exact carbon copy of the font. Nevertheless, I decided to see how much variation was in the font by typing in the basic consonant-vowel combinations as well as double consonants (beginning and ending).
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Sample showing the variation of the characters |
From the document I created, I just chose which consonant variation either was easier to write or looked prettier to me. Here is my result.
I can't say if my new handwriting looks better than the old handwriting but I can definitely say that it looks more mature.
Pretty nice handwriting! I like your style and approach ^^
ReplyDeleteKorean Handwriting
ReplyDelete한국어 글씨
One of the first things people normally do when starting to learn Korean, is to learn how to read and write Hangul.
사람들이 한국어를 배우기 시작했을 때 보통 처음으로 하는 일은 한글을 어떻게 읽고 쓰는지 배우는 것이다.
Of course, after this much time spent with the language, I can write it well enough even though I may not use the correct stroke order.
당연히 이 언어와 함께 이렇게 많은 시간을 보낸 뒤/물론 이 언어와 함께 이렇게 많은 시간을 보냈어도, 나의 필순이 틀릴 수 있지만 난 한글을 잘 쓸수 있다.
Reading Korean handwriting can sometimes prove to be quite a challenge.
한국 필체/글씨를 읽는것은 가끔 어려운 도전이 될수 있다.
TTMIK has a book out called Hangul Master to help not only learning how to read plain text but also how to read handwriting.
TTMIK는 평문읽기를 배우는 것 뿐만 아니라 어떻게 글씨를 읽는지 도와주는 한글 마스터라는 책을 가지고 있다.
These days, looking at my own handwriting, I think it looks a bit childish.
요즘 내가 내가 쓴 글씨를 보면 유치하다는 생각이 든다.
When I was in primary school there was a book on how to write cursive.
내가 초등학교 다닐 때 필기체를 배우는 책이 있었다.
Ever since I saw a lady sign something using cursive, I wanted to learn how to do it and so I finished the book.
필기체를 사용한 여성의 필체를 본 이후로 난 그걸 배우기 원했고 결국 그 책을 끝냈다.
My handwriting now is a combination of cursive and plain writing.
지금 내 글씨체는 정자와 필기체가 섞여 있다.
I wanted to see if I could learn the same thing for Korean.
만약 내가 한국어 필기체를 배울 수 있었다면 보고 싶었다.
I looked around the internet and I saw a few posts about Korean handwriting, but nothing really particularly focusing on cursive.
난 인터넷을 둘러보다가 몇개의 한국어 글씨체를 보았지만 특별히 필기체에 촛점을 맞춘것은 없었다.
My great idea therefore was to base my new handwriting on a font.
나의 기발한 생각으로 나의 새로운 글씨체가 만들어 졌다.
I just did a random Google search and found this font which I find quite pretty and decided that I would use it.
난 랜덤하게 구글을 검색하다가 발견한 너무 예쁜 글씨체를 사용하기로 결정했다.
In the process of changing my writing, this font would also help me to understand other Hangul fonts as well, since some of the characters were quite different.
내 글씨를 바꾸는 과정에서 이 글꼴은 또한 다른 한글체를 이해하는데 도움을 주었고 이후 몇몇 캐릭터들은 완전히 달라졌다.
Unfortunately, after testing it out, I realized that there is a lot of variation.
테스트후에 불행하게도 난 많은 변형이 있다는 것을 알았다.
For example, depending on the vowel following the consonant, the consonant was written differently.
예를 들어 자음의 경우 모음에 따라 다르게 쓰여졌다.
My own handwriting definitely would be inspired by and not an exact carbon copy of the font.
내 필체는 분명히 영감을 받았지만 정확히 글꼴을 복사하지는 않았다.
Nevertheless, I decided to see how much variation was in the font by typing in the basic consonant-vowel combinations as well as double consonants (beginning and ending).
그럼에도 불구하고 난 그 글꼴안에 얼마나 많은 변화가 있는지 보려고 기본적인 자음과 모음의 조합과 쌍자음들(쌍자음으로 시작하는 단어와
끝내는 단어들)을 입력했어요.
From the document I created, I just chose which consonant variation either was easier to write or looked prettier to me.
내가 만든 문서에서 난 쓰기쉽거나 보기에 예쁜 자음의 변화를 선택했다.
Here is my result.
이게 나의 결과물이다.
I can't say if my new handwriting looks better than the old handwriting but I can definitely say that it looks more mature.
나의 새 필체가 옛날것 보다 보기 좋다고 말할 수는 없지만 보다 어른스러워 졌다고/성숙해 졌다고 분명히 말할 수 있다.
한국인인 저보다 필체가 좋으셔요
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