Monday 15 August 2016

My Trip to Mecca

After four years of Korean study, somewhat in a bubble (the closest thing to reality being one-on-one Skype calls with my conversation partner), I finally set foot in the motherland. 

DAY 1- Arrival

After a 15 hour flight, an eight hour layover and another two hours of flying, we (my friend Kimberley and I) finally arrived at Incheon International Airport. It was such a great feeling to hear Korean being used all around me. When we came out, there were many people waiting in the arrivals hall, so I jokingly said to my friend that all the people were my fans. While withdrawing money from the ATM after the millionth try we were startled by extreme fangirling coming from behind us. All of the people actually came to see some celebrity. From a distance I could see the person because he was fairly tall but I had no idea who he was *clueless me*.

One hour hadn't even passed and I was faced with several opportunities to use Korean but silly me just played the foreigner card and only spoke in English. I was so disappointed in myself but hey. I finally understood how scary it can be to try to speak in another language with real life people. Strangely when I first arrived in the city, it didn't feel very strange. I guess I watched so much Korean TV and researched so much for the trip that everything somehow seemed familiar.

경복궁 and Square, 북촌 한옥 마을, 교보 Bookstore

This day was one I was really looking forward to. Thanks to the drama My Fair Lady Gong Shim, I realised that you could rent a hanbok to walk around in, and not just do the typical experience where you are confined to a particular space. Walking around in hanbok was therefore one of the priorities of the trip. After meeting Kimberley's Korean friend Yera, we went early and got our hanbok and headed out to the famous palace, Gyeongbokgung. Because we were wearing traditional clothing, we got into the palace for free :). Inside was really beautiful- the buildings, the foliage, the paths- everything. It was like being in the middle of a historical drama. I could hear Oneora, Oneora playing in my head as we strolled along LOL. We went to get food from a nearby restaurant, still in costume, (I had bulgogi- barbecued beef) and then we went to greet King Sejong in Gwanghwamun Square. It was then time to watch the changing of the guard at the palace. It was a nice little show.

Our tour guide ,Yera, left us after sharing a bowl of patbingsu to roam through the little streets of traditional houses in 북촌 한옥 마을. We got so lost. I was hoping to see the house which was featured in the drama Personal Taste but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Somehow on the street I ended up buying a dojang (name stamp) while practicing Korean along the way. The nice man had explained all the meaning of the different plants engraved on the stamps. Even when I didn’t understand clearly, he even simplified his explanations for me. That was so nice of him. I then struggled all the way to 교보 Bookstore because the ballerina shoes I wore to go with the hanbok were not suitable for walking AT ALL. My plan was to buy the Ewha Level 5 textbook but after looking inside, it seemed like it would be a waste. There were too many exercises, which I never do in textbooks.

During the day, sooo many people stopped us to ask where we rented our hanbok from or to ask us to take pictures with them. It was so weird...Superstar for a day??

아차산, 한 River

Today was exercise day for sure. We started out with a train ride to the mountain (아차산). Before we could even get to the base of the mountain we had to make a steep climb up a road. At the sign at the entrance, I asked an ajumma to take a picture of my friend and me IN KOREAN!! We then took to the trail. I personally thought I was going to die. If we didn't have water I probably would have. At the top of the trail we took, my friend forced me to sit with some old folks, in order to strike up conversation. My friend swore that one of the men looked like Confucius smh. I just mentioned where we were from, why we were in Korea, how long I was learning Korean and what my native language was. It was nice. After exiting the maze of a trail, taking more pictures along the way, I had to stop to ask for directions, IN KOREAN, to the subway station. We found it. Yay me!!
We then made our way to the Han River, or should I say tried to, because once again we were lost. The initial plan was to eat on the riverside but we were too hungry to wait, so we just stopped into a restaurant nearby. There I had gamjatang (pork bone soup) which was really good. However, my friend found the beef soup she ordered to be bland. After tasting it, I told her that she probably had to season it to her own taste (which I had heard was common in Korean restaurants). When the ajumma working at the restaurant came around and asked how our meal was, we reported our opinions. She and the other ladies went on about how it was impossible for their soup not to taste good. It was so funny. When my friend finally seasoned the soup, she found it to taste a whole lot better. She told the lady this and then the lady proceeded to give me one firm slap while saying 소금 넣으라고 했어야지! (You should have told her to add salt!). I was so taken aback but it was funny. When we were leaving I asked for directions to the river. After much debate, one lady took us right outside to show us the way. Everyone was so nice.
Braving the scorching heat, we went on to the Han River, where we ended up walking and walking since we could not find the cruise dock the we were initially planning to go to. There were lots of people riding, just chilling under the bridges, playing in the pool. There was one character we met, an old man on a bicycle, who told us that we were "beautipul" and asked us if we were from Nigeria. After finding out we were Christian, we then got an invitation to church. Lol. After, finally deciding to go back to the guesthouse, we took a different route on the way back, walking on the main road instead. It was there we got shot "secretly" by a passerby in a car and we realised that Korean drivers are cra-zy.

인사동, 조계사, Lunch at a friend, COEX mall with my conversation partner, 봉은사

We started off in Insadong where we walked around for a while and bought a few souvenirs. We then visited Jogyesa, the temple located right across the street. It was interesting to see Buddhism in action after only ever seeing it in books or television shows. There were many people there, the majority of them women. The statues and everything there were very beautiful. The experience was however a bit strange. If I had to describe it, I would describe it as a reverence in a bubble. Even though there was a ceremony going on, there were several tourists walking around doing non-religious touristy things all around. I even felt odd even simply taking pictures. Of course there was a lot of bowing and chanting. There was however one song that they sang that reminded me of a song that would be sung in the Anglican Church. It was sung very beautifully. I must say.

After a bus ride, the only one on our whole trip, we arrived at Yera’s house for lunch. We got a whole spread of Korean fare. Being the picky eater that I am, at first I was a bit scared. We had 잡채 (sweet potato glass noodles with beef), kimchi, sweet pumpkin and raisin salad, 유부초밥 (vinegared rice in tofu skins), fish soup, garlic stems with squid, and dried anchovies. Everything was exceptionally good that day- even the watermelon we had for dessert which actually had taste unlike the common flavoured-water taste that most of them have.
I then had one of the most surreal experiences. I met my conversation partner, Hyejin, who I only talked to on Skype before. It was so odd. We sat down for a juice and then since we didn’t really have any plans, we ended up wandering around COEX underground shopping mall and then going over to 봉은사, another Buddhist temple. My language partner, after hearing about our visit to the other temple dubbed the day Buddhism Day. There we had a much more interesting experience than at the previous temple since my friend was able to explain to us about Buddhism. We sat for a while in one of the great rooms with tagged lanterns (with prayers for others on them) and several gold Buddha statues at the front. It was so beautifully peaceful. At the time we were there, there was a 연꽃 (lotus flower)  festival. The lotus flower is representative of Buddhism. This beautiful flower is grown in dirty water suggesting that we should live pure lives even though we are subject to this dirty world we live in.

Today was perhaps my favourite day of the trip, I learned a lot, tried a lot of new food, got to meet my good friend and spoke a lot of Korean. 

명동, 남산, 쳥계천, 한River at night

Today I ventured out alone since my friend couldn’t make it out. I never felt unsafe and neither did I feel lost. I must say that I love taking the Seoul Subway. It is so easy to follow. I am a person who always appreciates signage in public places. They really overdid themselves. Anyhow…In the morning I went to Myeongdong. Since this location is all about shopping, I wasn’t really that interested. I ended up buying some face masks and socks. How exciting. I then went to find the cathedral in the same Myeongdong. Since we went inside at the temple, I decided to go inside the cathedral as well. There were a few people inside. My friend and I had commented the day before that we never felt such peace in a church at home. However, when I went inside, the peace found there was quite enjoyable. It was not as great as what I experienced at the temple but was still good.
From Myeongdong I went to see the famous Namsan tower. The trek to the cable car ticket booth was no joke. The walking in combination with the supposedly abnormal Seoul heat, nearly killed me. After taking the cable car, a somewhat scary experience, I was at the deck with the drama famous locks of love. A nice lady took a very nice picture since she saw me struggle trying to take a picture of myself. I then paid extra to go to the actual observation deck of the tower. Truthfully the whole experience was underwhelming. Perhaps it would have been better with other people…After, I went to Cheonggyecheon Stream and just topped up on walking. There, more nice people offered to take pictures for me. One was this ajjushi who was treating me like a model giving me instructions about how to stand for the picture. I had to struggle to hold back my laughter. I wonder if he was/is a photographer. Who knows?

Later that night, Kimberley and I ventured out to the Han River for take two. We found the cruise ticket booth easily since it was two minutes in the opposite direction from where we started out the day before. We took the regular night cruise. It was short but seeing the night skyline was very nice. The night scene at the river was much better and MUCH COOLER. There were many buskers all along the river so we just sat around for a while listening to some free music. I could see myself going to the river often if I was a Seoulite.

Church, 노량진 Fish market, LOTTE Mart, 동대문, Play on 대학로

One of the things my friend wanted to do on our trip was to go to a church. There was an evangelical church we would pass every day on our way to the subway station but at the times we would pass there was no service. Since it was Sunday, when we passed there were people outside. We asked about the service and found out that it was about to start. We decided to just stop in for a while. They started out with singing and then prayers and then more singing. The hymn they sang was one that Kimberley knew so she sang along in English while I followed the Korean lyrics on the screen. Interestingly, the congregation read the bible lesson together. I couldn’t even follow. They were reading too quickly for me. The language itself was also unfamiliar both in vocabulary and style. I figure it was like the Korean equivalent to the King James Version style of English. One thing I ended up learning was a sentence ending that I heard a lot during prayers-옵소서. The choir there was small but was one of the best church choirs I have ever heard. Their rendition of whatever song they sang was beau-ti-ful. I am really glad we ended up going.
We then got back on schedule and headed to Noryangjin Fish Market. On the train ride there we got to see some sights outside instead of the usual underground nothingness. We only walked up and down the market to say we went. It was nothing too special. One vendor asked if we were from Kenya and if we were just eye-shopping lol (window shopping = lit. eye shopping in Korean). I guess that many Koreans think that most of the black people in Korea mainly come from Africa. I was surprised that people just didn’t ask if we were from America.
We then stopped by LOTTE mart at Seoul Station and I picked up a few snacks and then moved straight on to Gwanjang market for street food. As we were walking through, some lady lured us to her stand. There my friend had kimchi dumplings and we were both offered this barley drink which was not sweet at all but not bad. I guess it was like iced barley tea. There my slight germaphobia started to kick in. I thought it would be a good street food experience but turns out it wasn’t. I just had kimbab (“seaweed rice roll”) and ddeokbokki (spicy rice cakes). Just thinking about the cleanliness made it hard to swallow but the food itself was ok.

After our “meal” we met Yera once again. We went to Dongdaemun where my friend bought bedding from the underground shopping centre and we walked around the shopping centres Doota and Migliore. After eating samgyeopsal (grilled pork) as our last meal in Korea we caught a play on Daehak-ro. It was called “The Art of Seduction” based on the movie of the same name. It was hilarious. I was extremely proud of myself for being able to understand most of what was said. I really enjoyed myself. I could see myself going to this mini Broadway street often. After, we had hoddeok (sweet pancake with a sugar filled centre). It was delicious.

We decided to end the night with Karaoke- a must for any trip to Korea. This karaoke room was another place in which I got to use Korean. I was happy. When we got there the air-conditioning machines were being cleaned, so the owner asked us if we would wait. Since we didn’t really have a choice, we did. In return we got a drink as “service”. Later during our belting session we were asked to switch rooms which got us a whole heap of extra time as more “service”. My friend who initially was adamant that she was not going to sing was rejoicing at this extra time. One thing that made the experience even more interesting is that when I went to the bathroom, there were SQUAT TOILETS. Boy was I surprised. To say the least, it was interesting…

We finally headed in around midnight. What a day it was.

DAY 7- Departure

We got up early to take the train to the airport. Walking out the door of the guesthouse and swiping my Tmoney card for the last time was truly heartbreaking but unfortunately it had to be done. This trip only served to further inspire me on my Korean language journey and also to solidify my desire to live in Korea for some part of my life.


  1. My Trip to Mecca
    메카로의 여행 (기대하던 여행)

    After four years of Korean study, somewhat in a bubble (the closest thing to reality being one-on-one Skype calls with my conversation partner), I finally set foot in the motherland.
    한국어를 공부한지 4년이 지나서, 약간의 거품가운데 (가장 현실적인 일은 나의 대화상대와 스카이프로 교류하는 것이고), 나는 드디어 한국에 가게 되었다.

    DAY 1- Arrival

    After a 15 hour flight, an eight hour layover and another two hours of flying, we (my friend Kimberley and I) finally arrived at Incheon International Airport.
    열다섯시간의 비행과 여덟시간의 경유 그리고 또 두시간의 비행끝에 우리(나와 킴벌리)는 드디어 인천공항에 도착했다.
    It was such a great feeling to hear Korean being used all around me.
    사방에서 한국말이 들리니 정말 기분이 좋았다.
    When we came out, there were many people waiting in the arrivals hall, so I jokingly said to my friend that all the people were my fans.
    우리가 밖으로 나왔을때 도착장에 많은 사람들이 기다리고 있어서 난 농담으로 친구에게 "이 사람들이 모두 내 팬이야"라고 말했다.
    While withdrawing money from the ATM after the millionth try we were startled by extreme fangirling coming from behind us.
    수백번을 시도하여 ATM에서 돈을 인출하는 동안 우리는 뒤에있는 열광적인 팬들때문에 깜짝 놀랐다.
    All of the people actually came to see some celebrity.
    모든 사람들이 어떤 연예인을 보기 위해 모여들었다.
    From a distance I could see the person because he was fairly tall but I had no idea who he was *clueless me*.
    그는 키가 정말 커서 나는 멀리서도 그를 볼수 있었지만 난 그가 누구인지 모르기 때문에 멍청히 있었다.

    One hour hadn't even passed and I was faced with several opportunities to use Korean but silly me just played the foreigner card and only spoke in English.
    한시간도 지나지 않아서 난 한국어를 사용할 기회에 직면했지만 난 바보같이 외국인카드에만 사용하고 영어로만 말했다.
    I was so disappointed in myself but hey.
    난 나에게 매우 실망했지만 에이! 뭐 어때.
    I finally understood how scary it can be to try to speak in another language with real life people.
    난 다른언어를 사용하는 현지인에게 말하려고 하는 것이 얼마나 두려운지 알게 되었다.
    Strangely when I first arrived in the city, it didn't feel very strange.
    이상하게도 내가 이 도시에 도착했을때 전혀 낯설게 느껴지지 않았다.
    I guess I watched so much Korean TV and researched so much for the trip that everything somehow seemed familiar.
    생각해보니 난 수많은 한국 TV를 보았고 또 여행을 위해 많은 조사를 해서 그 모든것이 친숙해 보인것 같다.

  2. DAY 2
    경복궁 and 광화문 Square, 북촌 한옥 마을, 교보Bookstore

    경복궁, 광화문 광장, 북촌한옥마을, 교보문고

    This day was one I was really looking forward to.
    이 날은 내가 정말로 기대한 날이었다.
    Thanks to the drama My Fair Lady Gong Shim, I realised that you could rent a hanbok to walk around in, and not just do the typical experience where you are confined to a particular space.
    '미녀 공심이'라는 드라마 덕분에 특정한 공간에제한된 일반적인 한복체험뿐만 아니라 한복을 빌려서 입고 다닐수 있다는 것을 알았다.
    Walking around in hanbok was therefore one of the priorities of the trip.
    한복을 입고 걷는것은 여행의 우선순위중 하나였다.
    After meeting Kimberley's Korean friend Yera, we went early and got our hanbok and headed out to the famous palace, Gyeongbokgung.
    킴벌리의 한국친구인 예라와 만난 후 우린 일찍가서 한복을 받고 그 유명한 경복궁으로 향했다.
    Because we were wearing traditional clothing, we got into the palace for free :).
    우린 전통의상을 입었기 때문에 무료로 입장했다:).
    Inside was really beautiful- the buildings, the foliage, the paths- everything.
    그 안은 모든 것(건물, 나뭇잎, 길)이 정말 아름다웠다.
    It was like being in the middle of a historical drama.
    우리가 사극 드라마속에 있는것 같았다.
    I could hear Oneora, Oneora playing in my head as we strolled along LOL.
    우리가 크게 웃으며 걷는 동안 내 머리속에서 '오너라 오너라'가 흘러나오는 것을 들을 수 있었다.
    We went to get food from a nearby restaurant, still in costume, (I had bulgogi- barbecued beef) and then we went to greet King Sejong in Gwanghwamun Square.
    우린 한복을 입은채로 가까운 식당에 간 뒤, (난 소 불고기를 먹었다) 광화문 광장에 있는 세종대왕에게 인사하러 갔다.
    It was then time to watch the changing of the guard at the palace.
    그것은 그 다음에 있을 궁전경비병의 교대를 보기위해서 였다.
    It was a nice little show.
    작고 멋진 쇼였다.

    Our tour guide ,Yera, left us after sharing a bowl of patbingsu to roam through the little streets of traditional houses in 북촌 한옥 마을.
    우리가 북촌한옥마을의 전통가옥거리를 돌아다니기 위해 우리의 여행가이드 예라는 팥빙수 하나를 나누어 먹은 뒤 헤어졌다.
    We got so lost.
    우린 길을 잃었다.
    I was hoping to see the house which was featured in the drama Personal Taste but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
    난 드라마 '개인의 취향'에서 방영된 집을 보고 싶었지만 그럴 처지가 아니었다.
    Somehow on the street I ended up buying a dojang (name stamp) while practicing Korean along the way.
    어쨌든 그 한국의 거리를 따라 걷는 동안 난 도장을 사게 되었다.
    The nice man had explained all the meaning of the different plants engraved on the stamps.
    그 친절한 남자는 도장에 새겨진 많은 식물들의 의미를 모두 설명해 주었다.
    Even when I didn’t understand clearly, he even simplified his explanations for me.
    내가 완벽히 이해하지는 못했지만 그는 나를 위해 단순하게 설명해 주었다.
    That was so nice of him.
    그는 정말 친절했다.
    I then struggled all the way to 교보 Bookstore because the ballerina shoes I wore to go with the hanbok were not suitable for walking AT ALL.
    그리고 교보 문고에 가는 길 내내 한복과 같이 신고 있던 걷기에 적합하지 않은 발레리나 신발 때문에 난 많이 힘들었다.
    My plan was to buy the Ewha Level 5 textbook but after looking inside, it seemed like it would be a waste.
    내 계획은 이화노트 레벨 5를 사는 것이었는데 안을 보고 나니 낭비같았다.
    There were too many exercises, which I never do in textbooks.
    거기인 정말 많은 연습문제가 있었는데 그건 내가 결코 텍스트북으로 사용하지 않는 것이었다.

    During the day, sooo many people stopped us to ask where we rented our hanbok from or to ask us to take pictures with them.
    이 날 내내 정말로 많은 사람들이 어디서 한복을 빌렸냐고 묻거나 같이 사진 찍을 수 있는지 물었다.
    It was so weird...Superstar for a day??
    정말 이상했다. 오늘만 슈퍼스타??

  3. DAY 3
    아차산, 한 River
    아차산, 한강

    Today was exercise day for sure.
    오늘도 어김없이 행군하는 날이었다.
    We started out with a train ride to the mountain (아차산).
    우린 아차산에 가기위해 기차를 탔다.
    Before we could even get to the base of the mountain we had to make a steep climb up a road.
    우린 산기슭에 도착하기 전에 가파른 길을 힘들게 올라가야 했다.
    At the sign at the entrance, I asked an ajumma to take a picture of my friend and me IN KOREAN!!
    입구의 간판 앞에서 난 어떤 아주머니에게 한국말로 사진을 찍어달라고 했다.
    We then took to the trail.
    그리고 우린 등산로를 걸었다.
    I personally thought I was going to die.
    난 죽을것 같았다.
    If we didn't have water I probably would have.
    우리가 물이 없었다면 난 아마 죽었을 것이다.
    At the top of the trail we took, my friend forced me to sit with some old folks, in order to strike up conversation.
    등산로의 정상에서 내 친구는 나에게 어떤 노인들과 같이 앉아서 대화를 시작하기를 강요했다.
    My friend swore that one of the men looked like Confucius smh.
    내 친구는 그 사람중 한명이 공자와 닮았다고 단언했다.
    I just mentioned where we were from, why we were in Korea, how long I was learning Korean and what my native language was.
    난 우리가 어디서 왔는지, 왜 한국에 있는지, 얼마동안 한국어를 배웠는지, 내 모국어가 무엇인지에 대해 말했다.
    It was nice.
    After exiting the maze of a trail, taking more pictures along the way, I had to stop to ask for directions, IN KOREAN, to the subway station.
    복잡한 등산로를 나와서 길을 따라 사진을 찍고 난 한국말로 지하철역으로 가는 방향을 묻기위해 멈춰야 했다.
    We found it. Yay me!!
    우린 역을 찾았다. 만세(Hooray)!!
    We then made our way to the Han River, or should I say tried to, because once again we were lost.
    그리고 우린 한강으로 향했지만 다시 긿을 잃었기 때문에 시도해야 했다고 말해야 할것 같다.
    The initial plan was to eat on the riverside but we were too hungry to wait, so we just stopped into a restaurant nearby.
    원래 계획은 강변에서 밥을 먹는 것이었지만 우린 너무 배가고파 기다릴수 없어서 가까운 식당에 들어갔다.
    There I had gamjatang (pork bone soup) which was really good.
    거기서 난 정말 맛있는 감자탕(돼지뼈 수프)을 멋었다.
    However, my friend found the beef soup she ordered to be bland.
    그런데 내 친구는 자기가 시킨 소고기 탕이 싱겁다고 했다.
    After tasting it, I told her that she probably had to season it to her own taste (which I had heard was common in Korean restaurants).
    그것을 맛보고 난 친구에게 너의 입맞에 맞게 간을 해야 했다고 말했다(한식당은 모두 비슷하다고 들어왔다).
    When the ajumma working at the restaurant came around and asked how our meal was, we reported our opinions.
    식당에서 일하시는 아주머니가 와서 음식이 어떠냐고 물었을 때 우린 사실대로 말했다.
    She and the other ladies went on about how it was impossible for their soup not to taste good.
    그녀와 다른 아주머니들이 탕이 맛이 없지 않을 텐데 왜 그렇지 하며 계속 이야기 했다.
    It was so funny.
    참 웃겼다.
    When my friend finally seasoned the soup, she found it to taste a whole lot better.
    내 친구가 탕에 간을 했을 때 그 맛이 훨씬 좋아진걸 알았다.
    She told the lady this and then the lady proceeded to give me one firm slap while saying 소금 넣으라고 했어야지!(You should have told her to add salt!).
    친구가 아주머니에게 이것을 말하고 난후 그 아주머니는 나에게 "소금을 넣으라고 했어야지"라고 말하면서 나를 한대 쳤다.
    I was so taken aback but it was funny.
    나는 황당했지만 그래도 재미 있었다.
    When we were leaving I asked for directions to the river.
    우리가 떠날 때 강으로 가는 방향을 물었다.
    After much debate, one lady took us right outside to show us the way.
    많은 논쟁 후에 한 아주머니가 길을 보여주기 위해 우리를 밖으로 데리고 나갔다.
    Everyone was so nice.
    모두 정말 좋았다.
    Braving the scorching heat, we went on to the Han River, where we ended up walking and walking since we could not find the cruise dock the we were initially planning to go to.
    폭염을 무릅쓰고 우린 한강으로 향했고, 처음에 계획했던 선착장을 찾지 못해서 우린 계속 걸어야만 했다.
    There were lots of people riding, just chilling under the bridges, playing in the pool.
    거기엔 많은 사람들이 수영을 하고 다리 밑에서 쉬고 자전거를 타고 있었다.
    There was one character we met, an old man on a bicycle, who told us that we were "beautipul" and asked us if we were from Nigeria.
    거기서 자전거를 타던 한 노인을 만났는데 우리 보고 아름답다고 하며 나이지리아에서 왔냐고 물었다.
    After finding out we were Christian, we then got an invitation to church. Lol.
    우리가 기독교인인 것을 안 뒤에, 우리는 교회에 초대 받았다.
    After, finally deciding to go back to the guesthouse, we took a different route on the way back, walking on the main road instead.
    그 후, 우린 결국 게스트 하우스로 돌아가기로 결정하고 왔던 길 말고 다른 길로 갔다.
    It was there we got shot "secretly" by a passerby in a car and we realised that Korean drivers are cra-zy.
    가는 길에 누가 차 안에서 우리를 몰래 사진 찍었고, 한국 운전기사들이 크레이지 하다는 것을 알았다.

  4. DAY 4
    인사동, 조계사, Lunch at a friend, COEX mall with my conversation partner, 봉은사
    인사동, 조계사, 친구와 점심, 나의 대화 파트너와 코엑스몰, 봉은사

    We started off in Insadong where we walked around for a while and bought a few souvenirs.
    우린 인사동에서 출발하여 한동안 걷고 기념품도 약간 샀다.
    We then visited Jogyesa, thetemple located right across the street.
    그리고 우린 바로 길 건너편에 있는 조계사에 방문했다.
    It was interesting to see Buddhism in action after only ever seeing it in books or television shows.
    불교를 책이나 TV에서 만 보다가 직접 보니 흥미로웠다.
    There were many people there, the majority of them women.
    거기엔 많은 사람들이 있었고 대부분 여자였다.
    The statues and everything there were very beautiful.
    거기에 있는 조각상들이 모두 아름다웠다.
    The experience was however a bit strange.
    이 경험은 조금 이상했지만
    If I had to describe it, I would describe it as a reverence in a bubble.
    내가 이것을 묘사해야 한다면 난 거품이 있는 숭배라고 할 것이다.
    Even though there was a ceremony going on, there were several tourists walking around doing non-religious touristy things all around.
    거기는 의식이 계속되고 있었지만 곳곳에 관광객들이 걷고 있었고 비 종교인 관광객들이 하는 행사도 있었다.
    I even felt odd even simply taking pictures.
    내가 단순히 사진만 찍는 것조차 이상하게 느껴졌다.
    Of course there was a lot of bowing and chanting.
    물론 거기엔 경배와 찬양이 있었다.
    There was however one song that they sang that reminded me of a song that would be sung in the Anglican Church.
    거기에서 들은 노래 중에 성공회 교회에서 부르던 노래를 기억나게 하는 것도 있었다.
    It was sung very beautifully.
    그 노래는 아주 아름다웠다.
    I must say.
    After a bus ride, the only one on our whole trip, we arrived at Yera’s house for lunch.
    우린 점심 식사를 하기 위해 우리의 여행 중에서 단 한 번 뿐인 버스를 탄 후 예라의 집에 도착했다.
    We got a whole spread of Korean fare.
    우린 한국 음식 모두를 먹었다.
    Being the picky eater that I am, at first I was a bit scared.
    난 입이 까다로워서 처음엔 조금 두려웠다.
    We had 잡채 (sweet potato glass noodles with beef), kimchi, sweet pumpkin and raisin salad, 유부초밥 (vinegared rice in tofu skins), fish soup, garlic stems with squid, and dried anchovies.
    우린 잡채, 김치, 단호박, 건포도 샐러드, 유부초밥, 대구탕, 오징어와 마늘 쫑, 멸치 조림 등을 먹었다.
    Everything was exceptionally good that day- even the watermelon we had for dessert which actually had taste unlike the common flavoured-water taste that most of them have.
    그 날의 모든 것이 유난히 좋았다. 우리가 디저트로 먹은 수박도 일반적인 물 맛 같은 수박이 아니었다.
    I then had one of the most surreal experiences.
    그리고 난 뒤 난 이상한 경험을 했다.
    I met my conversation partner, Hyejin, who I only talked to on Skype before.
    전에 스카이프를 통해서만 대화했던 언어 파트너인 혜진이를 만난 것이다.
    It was so odd.
    기분이 묘했다.
    We sat down for a juice and then since we didn’t really have any plans, we ended up wandering around COEX underground shopping mall and then going over to 봉은사, another Buddhist temple.
    그리고 난 뒤 우린 앉아서 주스를 마셨고, 별다른 계획이 없어서 코엑스 지하 쇼핑몰을 돌아다니다가 봉은사로 가게 되었다.
    My language partner, after hearing about our visit to the other temple dubbed the day Buddhism Day.
    내 언어 파트너가 그날 우리가 다른 절에 방문했었다는 말을 듣고 오늘이 석가 탄신일 이라고 말했다.
    There we had a much more interesting experience than at the previous temple since my friend was able to explain to us about Buddhism.
    내 친구가 불교에 대해 우리에게 설명해 주어서 우리는 조계사에서 보다 더 많은 재미있는 경험을 하였다.
    We sat for a while in one of the great rooms with tagged lanterns (with prayers for others on them) and several gold Buddha statues at the front.
    우린 기도/소원이라고 쓰여 있는 등불표지와 몇 개의 큰 금 부처상이 있는 커다란 방 중에서 한 방에 잠깐 앉아 있었다.
    It was so beautifully peaceful.
    정말 아름답고 평화로웠다.
    At the time we were there, there was a 연꽃 (lotus flower) festival.
    그 때 그곳엔 연꽃 축제가 있었다.
    The lotus flower is representative of Buddhism.
    연꽃은 불교의 꽃이다.
    This beautiful flower is grown in dirty water suggesting that we should live pure lives even though we are subject to this dirty world we live in.
    이 아름다운 꽃은 더러운 물에서만 자라는데 그것은 비록 우리가 살고 있는 세상이 더러워도 우리는 깨끗하게 살아야 한다는 것이다.

    Today was perhaps my favourite day of the trip, I learned a lot, tried a lot of new food, got to meet my good friend and spoke a lot of Korean.
    오늘은 여행 기간 중에서 가장 좋았던 날이었다. 새로운 음식을 많이 접해 보았고, 좋은 친구를 만났고, 한국어를 많이 사용했다.


  5. DAY 5
    명동, 남산, 쳥계천, 한River at night
    명동, 남산, 청계천, 밤에 한강

    Today I ventured out alone since my friend couldn’t make it out.
    오늘은 친구가 같이 나가지 못해서 혼자 나섰다.
    I never felt unsafe and neither did I feel lost.
    나는 혼자 다니는 것이 결코 위험하거나 헤맬거라고 생각하지 않았다.
    I must say that I love taking the Seoul Subway.
    난 서울 지하철 타는 것을 좋아한다고 자신 있게 말했다.
    It is so easy to follow.
    지하철 타는 것은 참 쉽다.
    I am a person who always appreciates signage in public places.
    나는 공공장소에서 간판의 진가를 아는 사람이다.
    They really overdid themselves.
    간판은 지나치게 헌신하고 있었다.
    Anyhow…In the morning I went to Myeongdong.
    어쨌든 아침에 난 명동에 갔다.
    Since this location is all about shopping, I wasn’t really that interested.
    여긴 모두 쇼핑과 관련된 지역이기 때문에 난 정말 재미가 없었다.
    I ended up buying some face masks and socks.
    결국 양말과 얼굴 마스크를 사게 되었다.
    How exciting.
    정말 재밌네....
    I then went to find the cathedral in the same Myeongdong.
    그러고 난 뒤 명동에 있는 성당을 찾으러 갔다.
    Since we went inside at the temple, I decided to go inside the cathedral as well.
    우리가 절에 들어간 것 같이 난 성당에도 들어가 보기로 했다.
    There were a few people inside.
    그 안에는 몇 사람이 있었다.
    My friend and I had commented the day before that we never felt such peace in a church at home.
    나와 내 친구는 전에 우리가 집에서 느끼던 그 교회의 평화를 전혀 느끼지 못했다고 말했다.
    However, when I went inside, the peace found there was quite enjoyable.
    그러나 내가 안에 들어 갔을 때 매우 좋았고 그 평화를 찾았다.
    It was not as great as what I experienced at the temple but was still good.
    그건 내가 절에서 경험한 것 만큼은 아니었지만 괜찮았다.
    From Myeongdong I went to see the famous Namsan tower.
    명동에서 난 그 유명한 남산 타워를 보러 갔다.
    The trek to the cable car ticket booth was no joke.
    케이블카 티켓판매소로 가는 길은 장난이 아니었다.
    The walking in combination with the supposedly abnormal Seoul heat, nearly killed me.
    그 길은 비정상적인 서울의 더위와 결합하여 거의 죽을 뻔 했다.
    After taking the cable car, a somewhat scary experience, I was at the deck with the drama famous locks of love.
    약간 무서웠던 경험인 케이블카를 탄 후 에
    난 유명한 드라마 사랑의 자물쇠의 갑판에 있었다.
    A nice lady took a very nice picture since she saw me struggle trying to take a picture of myself.
    한 멋진 여자가 많이 고생하면서 내 사진을 멋지게 찍어 주었다.
    I then paid extra to go to the actual observation deck of the tower.
    그리고 난 후 난 타워 전망대로 가기 위해 다시 요금을 지불했다.
    Truthfully the whole experience was underwhelming.
    솔직히 그 모든 경험은 전혀 신나지 않았다.
    Perhaps it would have been better with other people…
    다른 사람과 같이 오는 게 좋았었을 것 같다.
    After, I went to Cheonggyecheon Stream and just topped up on walking.
    그리고 난 청계천으로 갔고 계속 걸었다.
    There, more nice people offered to take pictures for me.
    거기서 정말 멋진 사람들이 나에게 사진을 찍자고 했다.
    One was this ajjushi who was treating me like a model giving me instructions about how to stand for the picture.
    한 아저씨가 나를 모델처럼 대우하면서 사진을 찍기 위해 어떻게 서 있어야 하는지 설명해 주었다.
    I had to struggle to hold back my laughter.
    난 어렵게 웃음을 참아야 만 했다.
    I wonder if he was/is a photographer.
    난 그가 사진사인지/였는지 궁금했다.
    Who knows?
    누가 알아?(그럴지도 모르지)
    Later that night, Kimberley and I ventured out to the Han River for take two.
    그날 밤에 나와 킴벌리는 두번째로 한강에 가기 위해 나왔다.
    We found the cruise ticket booth easily since it was two minutes in the opposite direction from where we started out the day before.
    우린 티켓 판매소로 가는 길을 쉽게 찾았는데 전에 우리가 출발했던 날 그 장소에서 반대방향으로 2분 거리에 있었다.
    We took the regular night cruise.
    우린 야간 일반 여객선을 탔다.
    It was short but seeing the night skyline was very nice.
    그것은 짧은 시간이었지만 야간 스카이라인을 보기에 아주 좋았다.
    The night scene at the river was much better and MUCH COOLER.
    강에서의 야간 경치는 정말 시원하고 좋았다.
    There were many buskers all along the river so we just sat around for a while listening to some free music.
    많은 악사들이 강을 따라 있어서 우린 앉아서 무료 음악을 감상했다.
    I could see myself going to the river often if I was a Seoulite.
    내가 만약 서울 시민이었다면 자주 강에 갔을 것이다.

  6. DAY 6
    Church, 노량진 Fish market, LOTTE Mart, 동대문, Play on 대학로
    교회, 노량진 수산시장, 롯데마트, 동대문, 대할로에서 놀기

    One of the things my friend wanted to do on our trip was to go to a church.
    여행 중에 내 친구가 원했던 한 가지 일이 있는데 그건 교회에 가는 것이었다.
    There was an evangelical church we would pass every day on our way to the subway station but at the times we would pass there was no service.
    지하철역으로 가는 길에 복음주의 교회가 있었지만 우리가 지나갈 때 예배가 없어서 우린 그냥 지나치곤 했다.
    Since it was Sunday, when we passed there were people outside.
    일요일에 우리가 그곳을 지나가는데 밖에 사람들이 있었다.
    We asked about the service and found out that it was about to start.
    우린 예배에 대해서 물었고 막 예배가 시작하려고 하는 것을 알았다.
    We decided to just stop in for a while.
    우린 잠깐 있기로 결정했다.
    They started out with singing and then prayers and then more singing.
    그들은 찬양과 기도 그리고 찬양으로 시작했다.
    The hymn they sang was one that Kimberley knew so she sang along in English while I followed the Korean lyrics on the screen.
    난 스크린에 나오는 한국어 가사를 따라 부르고 킴벌리는 그들이 부르는 찬송가를 알아듣고 영어로 따라 했다.
    Interestingly, the congregation read the bible lesson together.
    흥미롭게도 신자들은 다함께 성경을 읽었다.
    I couldn’t even follow.
    나는 따라서 읽을 수 없었다.
    They were reading too quickly for me.
    읽는 속도가 나에겐 너무 빨랐다.
    The language itself was also unfamiliar both in vocabulary and style.
    언어의 문체나 어휘 모두 나에겐 낯설었다.
    I figure it was like the Korean equivalent to the King James Version style of English.
    내 생각엔 영어의 KJV와 같은 한국어 같았다.
    One thing I ended up learning was a sentence ending that I heard a lot during prayers-옵소서.
    기도 중에 많이 듣고 내가 알아낸 한 가지는 문장의 끝이 "옵소서" 란 것이다.
    The choir there was small but was one of the best church choirs I have ever heard.
    거기에 있는 찬양대의 규모는 작았지만 내가 들어 본 최고의 교회 찬양대 중 하나였다.
    Their rendition of whatever song they sang was beau-ti-ful.
    그들이 부른 찬양은 무슨 노래이든지 모두 아-름-다웠다.
    I am really glad we ended up going.
    난 거기에 가게 된 것이 정말 기뻤다.

  7. We then got back on schedule and headed to Noryangjin Fish Market.
    우린 예정대로 노량진 수산시장으로 향했다.
    On the train ride there we got to see some sights outside instead of the usual underground nothingness.
    전철에서 우린 아무것도 없는 지하의 풍경 대신 바깥 풍경을 보게 되었다.
    We only walked up and down the market to say we went.
    우린 그 시장에 갔었다라고 말할 수 있게 그냥 둘러 보았다.
    It was nothing too special.
    그다지 특별하진 않았다.
    One vendor asked if we were from Kenya and if we were just eye-shopping lol (window shopping = lit. eye shopping in Korean).
    한 가게에서 우리 보고 '케냐사람이에요', '그냥 아이쇼핑 만 하러 왔어요'라고 물었다(윈도우 쇼핑을 문자그대로 말해서 한국에서는 아이쇼핑이라고 한다).
    I guess that many Koreans think that most of the black people in Korea mainly come from Africa.
    많은 한국 사람들은 한국에 오는 검은 피부의 사람들을 주로 아프리카에서 온다고 생각하는 것 같았다.
    I was surprised that people just didn’t ask if we were from America.
    난 우리 보고 미국 사람이냐고 묻지 않는 것에 놀랐다.
    We then stopped by LOTTE mart at Seoul Station and I picked up a few snacks and then moved straight on to Gwanjang market for street food.
    그리고 우린 서울역에 있는 롯데마트에 들려서 과자를 몇 개 사고 길거리 음식을 먹으러 곧바로 광장 시장으로 갔다.
    As we were walking through, some lady lured us to her stand.
    우리가 시장에서 걷고 있는데, 어떤 가판대에 있던 아주머니가 우리를 유혹했다.
    There my friend had kimchi dumplings and we were both offered this barley drink which was not sweet at all but not bad.
    거기서 내 친구는 김치만두를 먹었고 우리 모두에게 보리차가 제공되었다. 그것은 전혀 달지 않았지만 괜찮았다.
    I guess it was like iced barley tea.
    난 이것이 차가운 보리차라고 생각했다.
    There my slight germaphobia started to kick in.
    거기서 나의 약간의 결벽이 발휘되기 시작했다.
    I thought it would be a good street food experience but turns out it wasn’t.
    난 그것이 좋은 거리 음식 경험 될 거라고 생각했지만 곧 그렇지 않다는 것을 알았다.
    I just had kimbab (“seaweed rice roll”) and ddeokbokki (spicy rice cakes).
    난 그냥 김밥과 떡볶이를 먹었다.
    Just thinking about the cleanliness made it hard to swallow but the food itself was ok.
    청결에 대해 생각하며 음식을 먹으니 삼키기 어려웠지만 음식 자체는 괜찮았다.
    After our “meal” we met Yera once again.
    식사후에 우린 다시 예라를 만났다.
    We went to Dongdaemun where my friend bought bedding from the underground shopping centre and we walked around the shopping centres Doota and Migliore.
    우린 동대문에 가서 내 친구는 지하 쇼핑센터에서 이불을 샀고 두타와 밀리오레등의 쇼핑센터를 둘러보았다.
    After eating samgyeopsal (grilled pork) as our last meal in Korea we caught a play on Daehak-ro.
    한국여행의 마지막 식사인 삽겹살(돼지고기 구이)을 먹고 우린 대학로에서 연극을 보았다.
    It was called “The Art of Seduction” based on the movie of the same name.
    그 연극은 같은 이름의 영화를 기초로 하여 "유혹의 기술"이라 불렸다.
    It was hilarious.
    아주 웃겼다.
    I was extremely proud of myself for being able to understand most of what was said.
    무슨 말을 하는지 거의 다 이해하는 내가 너무 자랑스러웠다.
    I really enjoyed myself.
    정말 즐거웠다.
    I could see myself going to this mini Broadway street often.
    이 조그만 브로드웨이 거리에 자구 가고 있는 나를 볼 수 있었다.
    After, we had hoddeok (sweet pancake with a sugar filled centre).
    그리고 우린 호떡(가운데 설탕이 있는 팬케익)을 먹었다.
    It was delicious.
    We decided to end the night with Karaoke- a must for any trip to Korea.
    우린 이 여행의 끝을 한국에서 꼭 가야만 하는 노래방에서 장식하기로 했다.
    This karaoke room was another place in which I got to use Korean.
    그 가라오께에서 난 한국어를 사용하기로 했다.
    I was happy.
    (생각만 해도) 기뻤다.
    When we got there the air-conditioning machines were being cleaned, so the owner asked us if we would wait.
    우리가 거기에 도착 했을 때 에어컨이 청소중이어서 주인이 우리한테 기다릴 거냐고 물었다.
    Since we didn’t really have a choice, we did.
    우린 선택의 여지가 없어서 그렇게 했다.
    In return we got a drink as “service”.
    그대신 우린 음료수를 서비스로 받았다.
    Later during our belting session we were asked to switch rooms which got us a whole heap of extra time as more “service”.
    우리의 정해진 시간 중에 우린 방을 바꾸어 줄 수 있냐는 요청을 받았고 우린 그렇게 추가 시간을 무료(서비스)로 많이 받았다.
    My friend who initially was adamant that she was not going to sing was rejoicing at this extra time.
    처음에 단호하게 거절했던 내 친구는 추가 시간에 노래를 부르지도 기뻐하지도 않을 거라고 했었다.
    One thing that made the experience even more interesting is that when I went to the bathroom, there were SQUAT TOILETS.
    거기서 무척 재미있는 일이 하나 있었는데 내가 화장실에 갔을 때였고 거긴 재래식이었다.
    Boy was I surprised.
    To say the least, it was interesting…
    장난이 아니라 걘 엄청 놀랐다. 재밌었다.
    We finally headed in around midnight.
    우린 밤 늦게 집에 갔다.
    What a day it was.
    대단한 날이었다.

  8. DAY 7- Departure
    일곱째날 - 출발

    We got up early to take the train to the airport.
    우린 공항에 가는 기차를 타기 위해 일찍 일어났다.
    Walking out the door of the guesthouse and swiping my Tmoney card for the last time was truly heartbreaking but unfortunately it had to be done.
    게스트하우스의 문을 나서면서 그리고 나의 티머니 카드를 교체하면서 정말 가슴이 아팠지만 어쩔 수 없이 이게 마지막 이었다.
    This trip only served to further inspire me on my Korean language journey and also to solidify my desire to live in Korea for some part of my life.
    이번 여행은 나에게 한국어 여행(한국어 공부에 대한 여정)과 내 인생의 일부를 한국에서 살겠다는 욕망을 더욱 불어넣었다.
