Sunday 15 May 2016

FIA Challenge Week 1

The first week of the challenge was pretty rocky. Perhaps I should have taken another week's break after the end of the semester before starting. The first four days went fine but the last two did not go as planned. I ended up watching part 15 and 16 just once on Saturday. Too many Kdramas to watch. Sigh. However, these are my notes for the week.

Part 14

Grammar/Sentence Structure

Imperfect Tense- Remove ons from nous form and add ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient.   NB For ger and cer verbs, the e and ç changes that normally occur in the nous form, occur preceding the endings beginning with 'a'. e.g Je mangeais

To give background information (like in Korean)
To talk about things you used to do often
To talk about an action that was interrupted (in my opinion like past continuous was -ing)
Mainly used when using avoir, être, devoir, vouloir, savoir and pouvoir in the past.

Phrases worth noting
C'est le combien?- It is the what?  (When asking the date)
Bons baisers- xoxo at the end of a letter
Je me sauve.- I'm leaving
Elle s'en va.- She leaves.
Ça suffit comme ça. - That's enough.
Qu'est-ce qui se passe?- What is happening?
De quoi sagit-il?- What is it about?
Il sont assis en face l'un de l'autre.- They are seated opposite one another.

Part 15

Grammar/Sentence Structure
Compter faire quelque chose- Plan to do something
Ne..pas que - Not only

Phrases worth noting
Qu'est-ce qu'il a?- What is wrong with him?
Il n'y a pas que ca a Paris.- That's not all there is in Paris.

Part 16 

Grammar/Sentence Structure
Profiter de + noun - Make use of noun
Avoir envie de + verb- Want to do verb
Qu'est-ce que/Que + adjective /Quel(le) + noun - Used in exclamations e.g. Que c'est jolie (How pretty!) Quelle merveilleuse matinee de printemps (What a wonderful spring morning!)

Phrases worth noting
Je ne vois vraiment pas le rapport entre A et B.- I don't see what A has to do with B.
Il n'y a aucun rapport.- That has nothing to do with it.
Tenir- To have (on you/in hand)

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